Myilm Case Study
To create a video streaming mobile application to facilitate users to access videos in an easy and fast way. Users will be able to access free content and premium videos by purchasing subscription. These videos are uploaded by system owner (admin) through a web based system.
Industry / Domain
Technology Stack

- Browse through categories such as series, popular videos
- Search video using keywords like title
- Free and Paid Videos
- Subscription Plan
- Stream Video Online
- Play, Pause, and Like Video
- Rotate screen to view video in landscape mode
- Download Video (Option available for paid user only)
- Country wise video streaming
- Limited access with one login credential
- Vimeo library implementation in backend with different conditions.
- Manage auto-renewal process of payment for different users/platforms.
- Convert video url into streaming url’sto reduce buffering and fast processing.
Solution Delivered
- Purchased vimeo premium plan and implemented according to their guidelines.
- For managing video streams, we are using Red5Pro server functionality.
- Managed all api’s service using AWS server and user MySql database for saving video content and user’s information.