Globaldrum Case Study
The objective of project was to develop a social networking community website and application. The users of the system are facilitated to get on-board, become a part of free communities, create their own, or can join paid communities of certain enterprises. The system will allow users to invite their friends and relatives on the platform to get socialize by sharing text, audio, videos and podcasts to others. The UI & UX of the system was made intuitive and eye catchy to elicit enterprise confidence and excite audience.
Industry / Domain
Community and Social Networking
Technology Stack

- On-boarding, view communities with accept/decline and preview option
- Create, join free or paid communities and memberships
- Read updates and RSS feeds
- Default background that are randomly cropped
- LiveTxT enables community members of created communities to exchange individual or group messages that may contain text and have attachments.
- Socialize by sharing text, audio, videos and podcasts to the selected community
- Invite new users on system using social sharing
- Mark up-to 8 communities as favourites
- Incorporate with wallet to process payment for joining paid communities
- Users with Admin permissions manage community users and assign permissions.
- System user had the ability to upload the video file while posting was required to be played on various devices like web, android, iPhone. At this point we were facing issue to manage several types of audio & video file format and their conversion.
- Client wanted a separate section to display curated RSS feed of the multiple popular news sites on the system. The implementation of the respective feature took considerable amount of time in creating the logic to carry out the solution.
- The white labelling of the system was adopted for backgrounds for apps, web, social plugins, WAP & management screens. The app was needed to have a graphical Sun style background and use transparencies in 5 layers to give the user the sense of parallax.
Solution Delivered
- To overcome the issue of managing video files of different formats we used AWS Elastic Transcoder service which accepts various types of media files and convert to mp3 & .flv format. To execute it we first uploaded the video files on S3 bucket source folder where transcoder convert it and save it in a target folder.
- We created different communities and linked them with available related RSS feed. Service was created to pull out the content in every 30 minutes on the system from original source.
- The App was kept as a blank canvas with movement, so that enterprises can configure by uploading and configuring via Enterprise Management and the audience user can personalise the app (where enabled by the social network) by selecting a photo as a static background image or a range of photos via Preferences.