Adelante Case Study


The Adelante Group is an executive coaching agency focused on providing mentorship and guidance to some of the largest Australian private/public companies and governmental institutions.

As part of their offering they use 2 tools to facilitate the coaching and progress tracking within individual and group engagements. These tools are a) Strategic Operating Plan and b) Stakeholder Feedback Report.


The objective of the system was to develop a web based solution to replace the manual approach and bring out automation in training and consultancy provided by Principals to the client users.

The web solution is to be made for client user to create their own programs, help them to interact with their client contributors, and calculate benefit over time in an easy and modern and collaborative way. This in turn also saved the Principals time with regards to managing spreadsheets for every client engagement.

Industry / Domain

The web application is built for the corporate training industry to provide instructions and guidance to Australian private/public companies and government institutions.
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Technology Stack

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  • Manage projects and add participants by client users
  • Create new projects using standard project templates or from scratch
  • Construct and view SOP projects
  • Construct stakeholder feedback report project by adding questions and question notes
  • View project with high level metrics and compare current period with other historical periods
  • Principal to view SFR project and capture the feedback of feedback providers (client participants)
  • Principal to access a register of all Clients
  • System admin to create user accounts, assign access permissions


  • To befit the client’s requirement, system was comprised of big files/templates and reports which were getting created dynamically per user. Hence it demanded large data storage.
  • Server less structure to keep the system operating costs down without compromising with the performance.
  • System required control of large amount of user traffic, for that scalable server was needed to handle the all the users at the same time.

Solution Delivered

  • To keep the server less structure, we have used AWS lambda instead of any server as it is relatively less expensive. All business logic was implemented in AWS lambda function. Web application accesses lambda function using API gateway.
  • For connectivity between the frontend and backend backed with server less architecture was carried out using the API gateway
  • We used S3 bucket for storage of project, templates and reports for several reasons such as storing content, backing up, archiving and recovering an accident, as well as storing data. Site was hosted on s3 bucket which is linked with AWS cloud front as it offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance befitting client’s requirement. DNS was managed by route 53.
  • For the web database management with quick processing, proven reliability we used MySql RDBMS.